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NMCI Services,
National Maritime College of Ireland,
Co. Cork,

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Medical Update from OPITO regarding BOSIET/HUET/FOET with CA-EBS

Posted: August 16, 2018

Good news for those holding seafarer’s medicals. These can now be used when undertaking OPITO BOSIET/HUET/FOET with CA-EBS.

An additional HSE exemption has been granted to enable those workers who hold an ENG1 medical certificate of fitness to undertake the same in-water offshore survival training as those holding an Oil and Gas UK certificate of medical fitness for offshore work

This means that delegates will be required to produce one of the three certificates outlined below:-

  1. Produce a valid, unexpired Oil and Gas UK (OGUK) offshore medical certificate confirming the delegate’s fitness for offshore work.


  1. A valid, unexpired, medical certificate of fitness to work at sea.


  1. A valid, unexpired offshore medical certificate issued by a body outside of the UK which is recognised as equivalent to the OGUK medical certificate of fitness for offshore work.

In addition to the above the delegate will be required to produce:-

A certificate of fitness to undertake shallow water CA-EBS training issued by a registered OGUK examining doctor.


In the case of a Seafarers Medical with restrictions, produce a statement from an appropriate registered practitioner that the restriction or condition does not result from a respiratory or ENT condition and there is no absolute contraindication to the shallow water delegate’s participation in the training.


On the date on which the delegate is to undertake shallow water CA-EBS training, and prior to entering the water in which the training takes place, the delegate gives to the OPITO-approved Centre a statement, that to the best of the delegate’s knowledge and belief, the delegate has no (current or past) medical condition which makes the delegate unfit to participate in the training.

For any queries please contact Gillian or Chloe on + 353 21 4335609


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