Posted: August 16, 2018

Good news for those holding seafarer’s medicals. These can now be used when undertaking OPITO BOSIET/HUET/FOET with CA-EBS.
An additional HSE exemption has been granted to enable those workers who hold an ENG1 medical certificate of fitness to undertake the same in-water offshore survival training as those holding an Oil and Gas UK certificate of medical fitness for offshore work
This means that delegates will be required to produce one of the three certificates outlined below:-
- Produce a valid, unexpired Oil and Gas UK (OGUK) offshore medical certificate confirming the delegate’s fitness for offshore work.
- A valid, unexpired, medical certificate of fitness to work at sea.
- A valid, unexpired offshore medical certificate issued by a body outside of the UK which is recognised as equivalent to the OGUK medical certificate of fitness for offshore work.
In addition to the above the delegate will be required to produce:-
A certificate of fitness to undertake shallow water CA-EBS training issued by a registered OGUK examining doctor.
In the case of a Seafarers Medical with restrictions, produce a statement from an appropriate registered practitioner that the restriction or condition does not result from a respiratory or ENT condition and there is no absolute contraindication to the shallow water delegate’s participation in the training.
On the date on which the delegate is to undertake shallow water CA-EBS training, and prior to entering the water in which the training takes place, the delegate gives to the OPITO-approved Centre a statement, that to the best of the delegate’s knowledge and belief, the delegate has no (current or past) medical condition which makes the delegate unfit to participate in the training.
For any queries please contact Gillian or Chloe on + 353 21 4335609

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Posted: March 30, 2018
We are very pleased to have successfully completed the new in-water CA-EBS training, meeting the OPITO requirements for the BOSIET/HUET/FOET, as implemented on March 26th. Here’s some pictures taken from yesterday’s FOET, with Joe instructing. Well done to all the delegates!

Don’t forget we now offer the BOSIET with CA-EBS Digital Delivery at the NMCI. Complete the theory online in advance and then complete 1 days practical training at the NMCI. Book your place on our next course on April 16th!

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Posted: March 18, 2016

April 18th 2016
National Maritime College of Ireland
This OPITO approved course is designed to introduce delegates to Specific safety issues and regimes relevant to offshore installations. Delegates also become equip with the basic emergency response knowledge and skills for travelling to and from offshore installations by helicopter, with the use of EBS and CA-EBS emergency equipment.
The course is a mix of theoretical and practical sessions, during which delegates are required to demonstrate their level of knowledge and understanding of the training programme content.
By the end of this training programme, delegates:
- Have knowledge of the offshore industry including:Understand the processes involved in helicopter travel & be competent in their ability to escape from a ditched or ditching helicopter in an emergency situation.
Offshore hazards & Control Measures
Offshore Safety Management
How Offshore Safety is Regulated
Living & Working in the Offshore Environment
- Have knowledge of what to do in an evacuation situation: How to respond to alarms, the systems used to achieve successful evacuation and the actions to take in the event of a water entry situation.
- Understand what is meant by emergency First Aid and how to assist in a First Aid situation prior to arrival of the medic.
- Are competent in the use of portable fire extinguishers for basic firefighting and confident in self-rescue techniques used to successfully escape from smoke filled environments.
Successful delegates are awarded two OPITO approved certificates issued upon successful course completion.
The OPITO Combined BOSIET is valid for a 4 year period.
NMCI Services,
National Maritime College of Ireland,
Co. Cork,
Telephone: 021-4335609
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Posted: March 4, 2014
Extract from
“The first phase of Mr Hobbs’s Own Our Oil campaign was the launch of a book yesterday with the same title that aims to change the public’s attitude to Irish oil resources.
The book looks at Ireland’s geology, policy, taxation, history and planning when it comes to the oil industry and is dedicated to former minister Justin Keating who developed a strict taxation regime for Irish resources in the 70s.
The book is the first part of a campaign that is aiming to challenge the oil and gas industry in Ireland. Mr Hobbs warned that if the oil industry attempted to dismiss his campaign he would “take them apart”.
In the book, Mr Hobbs places a lot of emphasis on the difference in regimes between Ireland and Norway. Norway managed to build a sovereign wealth fund three times larger than Ireland’s national debt by effectively managing its natural resources.
However, the chairman of the Irish Offshore Operators’ Association, Fergus Cahill, said comparing the two countries is a fundamental mistake.
“Norway produce two million barrels of oil a day. We produce none. Norway exports natural gas, we import virtually all of ours. To compare the two is a fundamental mistake,” he said.
Mr Hobbs also drew parallels between the oil companies’ behaviour in Norway and Ireland. Mr Hobbs said that in the 1950s Norway was repeatedly told that there was no offshore oil in Norway.
Mr Cahill said that was what the companies believed at the time and it was only with improved technology that the Norweigian industry developed.
Mr Hobbs said they were not interested in trying to unpick any of the licensing options that are in place, but there was a need to try and maximise future returns from potential assets.
Up to a third of Ireland’s marine territory is already under licence from a period between the 1980s and 2007, when exploration terms signed ownership of various assets over to exploration companies, following then minister for energy Ray Burke’s dismantling of the tough taxation regime Justin Keating had put in place.
This means returns from these assets will disproportionately go to company shareholders and not the Irish taxpayer.”
By Vincent Ryan
Business Reporter
© Irish Examiner Ltd. All rights reserved
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Posted: May 22, 2013
Fastnet Oil says independent assessment established presence of significant potential.

An independent assessment of explorer Fastnet Oil and Gas’s Deep Kinsale target off the south coast indicates that it could contain 2.3 billion barrels of oil.
Fastnet said today that an independent assessment of the licence area by SLR Consulting established the presence of a significant potential “unrisked” resource in place of over 2 billion barrels.
The group said that SLR carried out the assessment in accordance with generally accepted international procedures.
In February, Fastnet agreed a deal with Petronas subsidiary Kinsale Energy to farm into the so-called “deep Kinsale prospect”. It lies deep below the existing Kinsale gas field, which has by now given up all but 3 per cent of its reserves.
As part of its deal with Kinsale Energy, Fastnet carried out engineering and geological studies and a wide-ranging, three-dimensional seismic survey.
Fatnet said the independent assessment confirms that oil-bearing sands encountered in the Middle and Lower Wealden wells drilled by Marathon in the early 1970’s occur in the same geological structure that hosts the shallow producing gas sands in the Kinsale gas field.
The Deep Kinsale structure covers an area of up to 162 square km.
“Deep Kinsale is a large anticlinal structure, which has the potential to contain a significant oil accumulation directly beneath the producing Kinsale gas field and the two platforms, in the Celtic Sea,” Fastnet founder shareholder John Craven said.
Earlier this month, the oil and gas company, which is focused on near term exploration acreage in Africa and the Celtic Sea, was awarded a new licensing option in the North Celtic Sea. The option covers blocks in the Mizzen Basin, known as East Mizzen, and the western end of the North Celtic Sea Basin, offshore Ireland.
From The Irish Times-Pamela Newenham
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