Posted: February 15, 2016

We are delighted to announce that we have finalised our Capability Statement which can be viewed by clicking here. Our Capability Statement publication showcases all of our courses, facilities and capabilities here at the National Maritime College of Ireland (NMCI).
The Capability Statement features information about our STCW Courses, STCW Refresher Courses, OPITO, Simulation, Port and Bespoke Courses. The brochure also includes details regarding our $100 million dollar training facility, our academic courses and Team Building.
To download your own copy today click on the following NMCI Services Capability Statement or to view online click here.
Why not contact us for further details on upcoming courses or discuss bespoke course opportunities.

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Posted: February 2, 2016
Course Title: Port Safety and Security Awareness Training
Course Duration: 1 Day
Course Aim:
- The purpose of this course is to provide awareness training in Health & Safety, as outlined in the Code of Practice for Health and Safety in Dock Work published by the Health and Safety Authority (HSA), for any person engaged in work activity in ports and docks facilities and
- To provide awareness training in port security as required by the International Ship & Port Facility Security(ISPS) Code
Course Objectives:
- To promote a safety culture among the many diverse users of a port
- To ensure that anyone directly involved in work activity in ports are aware of their responsibilities under the Safety, Health and Welfare at Work Act 2005 (No. 10 of 2005)
- To ensure that all persons are aware of the hazardous nature of dock work
- To ensure that all persons required to work on board ships are aware of the hazards to be encountered
- To help in the assessment of risk arising in docks operations
- To promote an understanding of the requirements of the ISPS Code
Course Content:
- Introduction
- Port Accident Statistics
- Definitions
- Legislation
- Responsibilities
- Managing Health and Safety in Ports
- Hazards on Docks
- Hazards on Board Ships
- Port Security

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