Posted: August 22, 2016
On Saturday August 20th Crosshaven Lifeboat were tasked by Valentia Coastguard to a report of three kayakers in trouble in heavy seas off Ringabella.
The Coast Guard issued a PAN PAN call for any vessels in the vicinity to help. The angling boats “John Boy” and “Cuan Ban” responded. A group from the National Maritime College of Ireland were onboard the Cuan Ban at the time on their annual fishing trip and together with their skipper, John Barry, helped bring the kayaker onboard to safety.
The crew of the “John Boy” recovered the remaining two kayakers, one of whom was in the water having earlier capsized.
All three were then transferred onto the “John & Janet” lifeboat to be treated back at the Crosshaven RNLI station. Thankfully although cold and shocked all three were uninjured.

This incident highlights the importance of remaining safe while on the water and that all water activities require some basic knowledge and skills, such as knowing that under Irish law you are required to always wear a lifejacket or buoyancy aid when canoeing. Other important information includes knowing the tides, anticipating bad weather conditions and having an emergency plan of action in place.
We strongly advise all those who take part in watersports at sea to visit this page of Safety on Water and to download their safety booklet for further information.
To read more about the Crosshaven RNLI visit and visit to learn more about the Respect the Water campaign.

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Posted: March 4, 2016
Irish Seafarers and employers of Irish Seafarers, take note!!
The Manila Amendments are very clear, irrespective of the validity of your Certificate of Competency.
Our own legislation is very clear!
Marine Notice No. 02 of 2014 states:
Seafarers holding valid STCW certificates issued prior to 1st January 2012 will have to meet the new requirements in order for their certificates to be revalidated beyond 1st January 2017.
Certificates that have been presented for revalidation since 1st January 2012 have an expiry date of 31st December 2016.
Seafarers revalidating their Certificates of Competency (CoCs) will be required to submit additional evidence to ensure their CoC is valid for service after 31st December 2016.
In conforming to the provisions of STCW Convention Regulation 1/14, and section A-1/14, of the STCW Code, companies must ensure that seafarers assigned to any of their ships have received refresher/updating training as required by the convention.
If you or a member of your team is serving on board a ship and is qualified in any of the following, they must, as of the 1st of January 2017, have documentary evidence of either having completed the training course or updated their training within the last 5 years.
Updated Proficiency in Personal Survival Techniques (STCW Table A-VI/1-1)
Updated Proficiency in Survival Craft and Rescue Boats Other Than Fast Rescue Boats (STCW Table A-VI/2-1)
Updated Proficiency in Fire Prevention and Fire Fighting (STCW Table A-VI/1-2)
Updated Proficiency in Advanced Fire Fighting (STCW Table A-VI/3)
Updated Proficiency in Fast Rescue Boats (STCW Table A-VI/2-2)
The law is very clear, do not put your career at risk, you cannot proceed to sea after January 1st 2017 without having complied with the Manila Amendments.
Book your training here at the NMCI. Courses are selling out quickly. All courses to June 2016 are now fully booked.
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Posted: March 1, 2016

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Posted: February 4, 2015
Are you a master, officer or watch personnel on a seagoing merchant ship? Then NMCI Services should be the number one port of call for all your training needs. With ease of access and state of the art facilities, we offer a comprehensive schedule of professional maritime short courses whereby clients are trained by quality professional mariners to the highest standard.
Here at NMCI Services we offer a wide range of STCW’95 and Non STCW’95 professional short courses for the maritime sector. Let’s have a quick look at why you should choose NMCI Services and what STCW Courses we offer:
Why choose NMCI Services?
NMCIS is the commercial division of the National Maritime College, Europe’s leading third level maritime college. Our goal is to achieve and deliver excellent, quality service to our existing and future customer base. All of our clients are safe in the knowledge that they are trained by experienced, professional mariners to the highest standards. Let NMCI Services be your first port of call.
Did you know that we have a 10 acre site with state of the art facilities located only 16km from Cork City, a city with key transport links across Europe? Well we do! We partnered with GAC and SEFtec Global Training Ireland Ltd, enabling us to meet International Standards. And just when you thought that wasn’t enough we give corporate discounts and even offer bespoke training to meet the needs of your industry. Why not make NMCIS your first port of call…
STCW Courses
Our STCW Courses are delivered by expert mariners with hands-on industry experience and we can guarantee the delivery of a specialized maritime training program for our clients. The following are a list of courses available through NMCIS, or follow this link for a more detailed overview and course date availability: Course Details
Need a refresher course?
Then we would advise you to complete the following courses:
- Personal Survival Techniques (PST) STCW-95 (PST )
- Personal Safety & Social Responsibility (PSSR) STCW-95 (PSSR )
- Fire Fighting & Fire Prevention (3 day) STCW-95 (FF)
- Elementary First Aid Course (EFA) STCW-95 (EFA )
Other STCW Courses we offer:
- Advanced Firefighting course (5 day) STCW-95 (AFF )
- Proficiency in Survival Craft (CPSC) STCW-95 (CPSC )
- Medical Care Training Aboard Ship STCW 95 Compliant (Med Care )
- Medical First Aid Training Course – STCW 95 Compliant (MFA )
- Proficiency in Fast Rescue Boats (FRB) STCW ’95 (FRB )
- Helicopter Underwater Egress Training (HUET) STASS (HUET )
- STCW Designated Security Duties (DSD )
- High Voltage (Management) (HVM)
Why not train with NMCIS; we can guarantee the delivery of specialised maritime training for you. Call us today and let us tailor our course range for your specific requirements: NMCIS.

NMCI Service Instructors with their successful delegates at the end of a busy day
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Posted: May 28, 2013
Providence: Barryroe Well
Nick Webb – 26 May 2013

Providence Resources’ oil find at Barryroe, off the coast of Cork, could generate taxes of €4.5bn over the life of the well, according to a new report from PriceWaterhouseCoopers.
This is the equivalent to the entire annual corporate tax take in Ireland for 2011, according to PwC.
The State, it says, would earn money from the corporate tax and from the windfall taxes generated by the huge find off the south coast.
The PwC report suggests that 10 finds equivalent to Barryroe would have the potential to generate 13,500 jobs during the development phase and 11,500 jobs during the production phase of these fields. An entire new specialist oil services industry would need to be developed near the south coast to cater for the oil fields.
The Barryroe find is a game-changer for the Irish oil industry, as it is the first commercial oil field discovered off Ireland.
Recent months have seen massive activity off Ireland’s coast with the arrival of Kosmos, Cairn Energy and other new parties seeking to explore for oil. Fastnet Oil & Gas last week announced surveys had revealed that its Kinsale acreage could potentially contain up to two billion barrels of oil.
The next two months will prove critical for the future of Tony O’Reilly’s Providence Resources. Results of drilling at its Dunquin well may come through in July, while the €400m-listed firm may also ink a deal to farm out a major chunk of its valuable Barryroe oil field off Cork.
Industry sources believe that Providence may be taken over by an oil major such as Petronas or Exxon if the Dunquin results are positive.
However, at the same time as all this exploration is under way, the Government is examining whether to hike taxes levied on oil finds.
Irish Independent
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