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NMCI Services,
National Maritime College of Ireland,
Co. Cork,

Telephone: 021-4335609
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Don’t get caught out. The Manila Amendments are upon us.

Posted: March 4, 2016

Irish Seafarers and employers of Irish Seafarers, take note!!


The Manila Amendments are very clear, irrespective of the validity of your Certificate of Competency.

Our own legislation is very clear!

Marine Notice No. 02 of 2014 states:

Seafarers holding valid STCW certificates issued prior to 1st January 2012 will have to meet the new requirements in order for their certificates to be revalidated beyond 1st January 2017.

Certificates that have been presented for revalidation since 1st January 2012 have an expiry date of 31st December 2016.

Seafarers revalidating their Certificates of Competency (CoCs) will be required to submit additional evidence to ensure their CoC is valid for service after 31st December 2016.


In conforming to the provisions of STCW Convention Regulation 1/14, and section A-1/14, of the STCW Code, companies must ensure that seafarers assigned to any of their ships have received refresher/updating training as required by the convention.

If you or a member of your team is serving on board a ship and is qualified in any of the following, they must, as of the 1st of January 2017, have documentary evidence of either having completed the training course or updated their training within the last 5 years.


Updated Proficiency in Personal Survival Techniques (STCW Table A-VI/1-1)

Updated Proficiency in Survival Craft and Rescue Boats Other Than Fast Rescue Boats (STCW Table A-VI/2-1)

Updated Proficiency in Fire Prevention and Fire Fighting (STCW Table A-VI/1-2)

Updated Proficiency in Advanced Fire Fighting (STCW Table A-VI/3)

Updated Proficiency in Fast Rescue Boats (STCW Table A-VI/2-2)


The law is very clear, do not put your career at risk, you cannot proceed to sea after January 1st 2017 without having complied with the Manila Amendments.

Book your training here at the NMCI. Courses are selling out quickly. All courses to June 2016 are now fully booked.

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