Posted: February 15, 2016

We are delighted to announce that we have finalised our Capability Statement which can be viewed by clicking here. Our Capability Statement publication showcases all of our courses, facilities and capabilities here at the National Maritime College of Ireland (NMCI).
The Capability Statement features information about our STCW Courses, STCW Refresher Courses, OPITO, Simulation, Port and Bespoke Courses. The brochure also includes details regarding our $100 million dollar training facility, our academic courses and Team Building.
To download your own copy today click on the following NMCI Services Capability Statement or to view online click here.
Why not contact us for further details on upcoming courses or discuss bespoke course opportunities.

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Posted: December 17, 2015
We’re delighted to announce that our 2016 Course Schedule is now available to view or download by clicking on the link above. If the course you’re enquiring about isn’t on the calendar then please contact us via: / +35321 4335609.
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Posted: November 23, 2015
We, NMCI Services, are delighted to announce that our 2016 Training Schedule is now available to view & book online. From STCW, STCW Refresher, Simulation to Bespoke Courses, we have now finalised our 2016 dates. Please click on the below link to download or view a copy of our schedule for yourself.
2016 NMCI Services Commercial Schedule
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Posted: November 18, 2015
Last week, Abu Dhabi Ports – the master developer, operator and manager of ports and industrial zones in the Emirate, participated in Maritime Academic Conference & Expo 2015 (MARACAD) which was held on November 10th and 11th at Dubai World Trade Centre.
Our Simulation Services Manager, Clive Hotham, was invited to support our client (Abu Dhabi Ports Maritime Training Centre) at their stand for MARACAD.
Abu Dhabi Ports’ internationally recognised Maritime Training Centre that offers a portfolio of marine and port training courses presented its higher level courses at MARACAD. The Centre is a leading training facility in the region and the first GCC maritime training institute to pass a Lloyd’s Register audit and be officially accredited as an Approved Training Provider. The Training Centre, established in 2011, offers courses on par with international standards that are not otherwise available in the region. The courses have been accredited by the UK Maritime and Coastguard Agency (UK MCA) and recognised by IALA-AISM, a non-profit, international technical association. Internationally recognised instructors are conducting the courses using ship, RADAR and ECDIS (Electronic Chart Display & Information System) simulation. The centre offers a number of security related training courses including Port Facility Security Officers (PFSO) authorised by the national security authority of the UAE; and the General Authority for the Security of Ports, Borders and Free Zones. These courses, for those involved in port security, have been accredited by the Federal Transport Agency as approved training courses. A number of courses in navigation, ship handling chart work and local knowledge for ship’s officers and pilots are also offered, using the ship and radar simulators.
Check out some of the pictures from MARACAD below.

Dr Hattan A Timraz receives gift from ADPorts TCM Ibrahim Bin Hraiz

Christopher Mendoza greeting H E Dr Abdullah Belhaif Al Nuaimi on stand

Visitor-CliveHotham-Christopher Mendoza

Training Centre Manager Ibrahim Bin Hraiz (R) receives conference award
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Posted: November 11, 2015
Below are a list of courses which will be running at the National Maritime College of Ireland in the coming weeks.We have limited availability on the following courses and we urge interested parties to book a place to avoid disappointment. All courses can be booked by clicking here. If you have any queries then please contact the Services Office via: / +353214335609.
BOSIET on the 7th of December
HUET EBS on the 17th of November
FOET course on the 19th of November
FOET course on the 10th of December
ECDIS on the 30th of November
Advanced Fire Fighting on the 14th of December
PST on the 16th of November
PST on the 2nd of December
FRB course on the 23rd of November
Medical First Aid course on the 30th of November
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