Posted: May 28, 2013
Providence: Barryroe Well
Nick Webb – 26 May 2013

Providence Resources’ oil find at Barryroe, off the coast of Cork, could generate taxes of €4.5bn over the life of the well, according to a new report from PriceWaterhouseCoopers.
This is the equivalent to the entire annual corporate tax take in Ireland for 2011, according to PwC.
The State, it says, would earn money from the corporate tax and from the windfall taxes generated by the huge find off the south coast.
The PwC report suggests that 10 finds equivalent to Barryroe would have the potential to generate 13,500 jobs during the development phase and 11,500 jobs during the production phase of these fields. An entire new specialist oil services industry would need to be developed near the south coast to cater for the oil fields.
The Barryroe find is a game-changer for the Irish oil industry, as it is the first commercial oil field discovered off Ireland.
Recent months have seen massive activity off Ireland’s coast with the arrival of Kosmos, Cairn Energy and other new parties seeking to explore for oil. Fastnet Oil & Gas last week announced surveys had revealed that its Kinsale acreage could potentially contain up to two billion barrels of oil.
The next two months will prove critical for the future of Tony O’Reilly’s Providence Resources. Results of drilling at its Dunquin well may come through in July, while the €400m-listed firm may also ink a deal to farm out a major chunk of its valuable Barryroe oil field off Cork.
Industry sources believe that Providence may be taken over by an oil major such as Petronas or Exxon if the Dunquin results are positive.
However, at the same time as all this exploration is under way, the Government is examining whether to hike taxes levied on oil finds.
Irish Independent
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Posted: June 8, 2012
The National Maritime College of Ireland was delighted to welcome pilots from Port of Livorno to the college on May 28th for a week. The pilots attended a Pilot Refresher Simulation course and Bridge Resource Management for Pilots in our full mission 360 degree simulator. There was also an opportunity for our guests to see some of the local sights Cork has to offer, including Cork Ports Ops office. We are certainly very much looking forward to many more visits from the pilots in the near future.

Port of Livorno Pilots at the NMCI
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Posted: October 14, 2011
During the first week of October the National Maritime College of Ireland’s Simulation unit provided its first course for a group of Brazilian customers.
Following an initial enquiry (from Mr. Diogo Weberszpil do Amaral) for a ship handling course, the Simulation unit’s Captain Clive Hotham created a specialised course, to be run in the units’ 360° full mission bridge simulator, to provide the practical training that the group required.
The group consisted of four people, Mr. Diogo Weberpilz, Mr Eliel de Andrade, Mr. Fabio Sousa de Oliveira, Mr. Diogo Nery Monteiro, and all of whom are candidates in the current round of recruitment of Trainee Pilots for Brazilian Ports.

Mr. Diogo Weberpilz, Mr Eliel de Andrade, Captain Clive Hotham (Lecturer and simulation co-ordinator),Mr. Fabio Sousa de Oliveira, Mr. Diogo Nery Monteiro
The week consisted of lectures on ship handling theory, practical ship handling of different vessels in different situations, practical communications between ships and port control, and debriefing sessions to discuss how each practical session went.

Bridge Team at Work
In the practical sessions each person was given a particular role – Pilot, Captain, Officer, and Helmsman – to reinforce the need for team work on a ships bridge. This meant that each person performed the manoeuvres and when they were not acting as pilot could observe each other’s performance.
As the week progressed the abilities of the group improved greatly, each person gaining more confidence with each exercise.

“Helmsman” – Fabio, “Captain” –Eliel, “Officer” – Diogo, “Pilot” - Diogo
The week was a success and the feedback from the group was very positive. All the lecturers involved (Captains: Clive Hotham, Peter Walter, Cormac MacSweeney, and Roddy Cook) enjoyed working with the group during the week.
The NMCI Simulation unit is looking forward to the next group of Brazilian customers in December and beyond.
It is hoped that the Simulation unit can provide further training for more Brazilian customers; for courses ranging from this, to specialised courses for experienced pilots, and manoeuvring studies for pilots and ports.
Call us for more information on our Bridge Simulator.
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Posted: October 12, 2011
President Mary McAleese received a rousing reception at the Haulbowline Naval Base and the National Maritime College of Ireland (NMCI) on Monday October 10th, as part of her final official visit to Cork.
The NMCI is a partnership between Cork Institute of Technology, the Irish Navy and Lend Lease. As the visit was the first leg of her visit to the Irish Navy she was greeted by a 100 person Guard of Honour, a spectacular site at the main entrance to the NMCI.

The President was escorted around the college by Commodore Mark Mellett, Flag Officer Commanding the Naval Service.
The President was wowed by the facilities in NMCI, including the hi-tech bridge simulator which mimicked being on board a Navy vessel as it navigated around Sydney Harbour.
President McAleese capped off her visit by boarding the LÉ Niamh which passed Monkstown, Passage West, Blackrock and Mahon much to the delight of the schoolchildren lining route.

The President left a very positive message for the NMCI partnership in our visitors book;
‘A revelation to see this magnificent college and to feel the energy and passion that will drive its potential. Go néirí Libh’

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Posted: September 14, 2011
We were delighted to have the college so busy at the weekend, with a joint celebration of Cork Harbour Open Day & a Corona Cork Film Festival fundraiser taking place.
In the morning we had over 400 people attend the free open day which included a tour of the environmental pool and a chance to navigate the 270° bridge Simulator.
In the video below you can see a short video of families enjoying a simulation of New York harbour, the remote control boat race and the maritime themed art exhibition.
All of us at NMCI would like to say a big thank you to Anita Williams and the Rouges for keeping the crowds entertained throughout the day.

You can see Anita Williams perform tomorrow night (September 15th) at 9pm in the Roundy, Cork. You can also catch Anita at an “Evening of Live Jazz” on the 25th of September at The Idle Hour.
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