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NMCI Services,
National Maritime College of Ireland,
Co. Cork,

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Together with the International Organisation for Industrial Emergency Services Management @OfficialJOIFF, we invite you to attend a #JOIFF shared learning meeting, on September 5th at the #NMCI. For full details visit…


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STCW Refresher Notice

Posted: September 4, 2015


As of January 1st 2017, the following courses need to either have been undertaken in full or as refresher courses in the previous 5 years.

For those crews who undertook Advanced firefighting recently, you need to ensure that their PST’s and Basic Firefighting are valid prior to the due date.

 (a) Proficiency in Personal Survival Techniques (PST) STCW A-VI/1-1, (recognised equivalent

pre 31 January 2000: Basic Sea Survival)

(b) Proficiency in Survival Craft and Rescue Boats other than Fast Rescue Boats (PSC & RB),

STCW A-VI/2-1 (recognised equivalent pre 31 January 2000: Proficiency in Survival Craft

or Lifeboatman’s Certificate)

(c) Proficiency in Fast Rescue Boats (PFRB) STCW A-VI/2-2;

(d) Proficiency in Fire Prevention and Fire Fighting (FP & FF), STCW A-VI/1-2 (recognised

equivalent pre 31 January 2000: MNTB 2 Day Fire Fighting Course)

(e) Proficiency in Advanced Fire Fighting (AFF) STCW A-VI/3 (recognised equivalent pre 31

January 2000: MNTB 4 Day Fire Fighting Course).

All of the basic and advanced courses listed in (a) to (e) above, must be updated every 5 years.

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2015 Irish Maritime Forum

Posted: September 1, 2015

Irish Maritime Forum


The NMCI are delighted to announce that we are the official organisers for this year’s Irish Maritime Forum which is set to take place on September 25th at the NMCI. To date we have had a great response to the upcoming event with the Irish Ports Authority, the Port of Cork, Flagship Management, Ardmore Shipping Services Ltd., Mainport Holdings Ltd., JFC Manufacturing Co. Ltd. & NMCI Services sponsoring elements of the event.

This year’s forum will look atSuccess through synergy – an innovative & dynamic approach to the future” by exploring the ocean of opportunities that exist within the sector and concentrating on the key drivers that are set to change the sector in the future.


The event, which will be formally opened by Minister Simon Coveney, is aimed at organisations and professionals operating within the broad maritime industry in Ireland.

 As a precursor to the conference itself a drinks reception will be hosted by the Port of Cork on the evening of Thursday 24th (at the Harbour Commissioners Office).The programme for the main event will focus on a number of core themes/sectors, namely; 

  • Maritime Industry (Overview)
  • Maritime Skills & Human Resources
  • Port Sector (Sponsored by Ardmore Shipping)
  • Offshore & Renewables Sector (Sponsored by Mainport Holdings Ltd.)
  • Marine Tourism & Leisure


We are currently populating a conference specific website which will be fully complete with speaker profiles and information.

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Testimonial for Gateway to Cruise Line & Ferry Industry Course

Posted: August 27, 2015

Gateway to Cruise Line & Ferry Industry (SNO & CETB)

I completed ‘Gateway to Cruise Line and Ferry Industry’ at NMCI, Ringaskiddy, Co Cork. With top class facilities and exceptional, knowledgeable and experienced instructors, this course was a major success. I have learned invaluable skills, awareness and knowledge which I will use when working on-board cruise liners. Having a past employee of a major cruise liner be part of this programme, it transforms the course to be more real. I could vividly imagine exactly what it would be like to work and live on-board. I always had an interest in knowing; what it would be like to work on-board a cruise liner or ferry? Not alone does the course answer my question; it has also given me the training, knowledge and confidence needed to seek out work on-board a cruise liner. I would like to thank NMCI, CETB and all instructors for their time and dedication in making this course a reality and a major success.

(Claire O’Halloran, Gateway to Cruise Line & Ferry Industry Delegate)


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STCW Refresher Schedule for 2016

Posted: August 26, 2015

SEFtec Banner


The 2016 Schedule for STCW Refresher Training will be published online in the coming days. To keep up to date with our course dates, discounts and training requirements why not sign up to our newsletter by clicking here.

In conforming to the provisions of STCW Convention Regulation 1/14, and section A-1/14, of the STCW Code, companies must ensure that seafarers assigned to any of their ships have received refresher and updating training as required by the convention.

If a member of your team is serving on board a ship and is qualified in any of the following, they must, as of the 1st of January 2017, have documentary evidence of either having completed the training course or updated their training within the last 5 years.

The 2010 Manila Amendments to the STCW Code introduced new requirements for seafarers to hold the following certificates of proficiency:






Costing for all 5 courses is €1,710


Click here for further details regarding Course Dates

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Part Time Staff Required

Posted: August 13, 2015


NMCI_MaritimeStudies_Logo (3)

The Department of Maritime Studies at the National Maritime College of Ireland are creating a panel of qualified persons available to lecture on programme’s & instruct on STCW Short Courses.


If interested please email your CV to:


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