STCW Refresher Notice
As of January 1st 2017, the following courses need to either have been undertaken in full or as refresher courses in the previous 5 years.
For those crews who undertook Advanced firefighting recently, you need to ensure that their PST’s and Basic Firefighting are valid prior to the due date.
(a) Proficiency in Personal Survival Techniques (PST) STCW A-VI/1-1, (recognised equivalent
pre 31 January 2000: Basic Sea Survival)
(b) Proficiency in Survival Craft and Rescue Boats other than Fast Rescue Boats (PSC & RB),
STCW A-VI/2-1 (recognised equivalent pre 31 January 2000: Proficiency in Survival Craft
or Lifeboatman’s Certificate)
(c) Proficiency in Fast Rescue Boats (PFRB) STCW A-VI/2-2;
(d) Proficiency in Fire Prevention and Fire Fighting (FP & FF), STCW A-VI/1-2 (recognised
equivalent pre 31 January 2000: MNTB 2 Day Fire Fighting Course)
(e) Proficiency in Advanced Fire Fighting (AFF) STCW A-VI/3 (recognised equivalent pre 31
January 2000: MNTB 4 Day Fire Fighting Course).
All of the basic and advanced courses listed in (a) to (e) above, must be updated every 5 years.
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