Posted: June 9, 2015
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The NMCI, in conjunction with Cork Education & Training Board, are delighted to announce that we have a new course offering – “Gateway to Cruise Line & Ferry Industry”. If you are looking for something different then a career within the cruise line industry may be just for you. Positions in demand can vary greatly from hospitality, to beauticians, hairdressers, receptionists, personal trainers, childcare workers, security/ administration personnel to EI Technicians.
A presentation outlining the course details will take place at the NMCI on Friday July 17th at 10am. For further details on the new course offering please contact Brian Kelly ;
B2C Cruise Flyer

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Cultural awareness and teamwork topped the agenda as Stena Association of Maritime Institutes (STAMI) held its first meeting of 2015 at the National Maritime College of Ireland in Cork. It is the first time the association, made up of ten training institutes from three continents, has held one of its bi-annual meetings in Ireland.
Northern Marine was the driving force in the establishment of STAMI in 2009 and continues to support its aims to highlight best practices in the industry and set common standards for maritime training for Stena Group Seafarers. The event welcomed training institutes and Industry representatives from across the globe to the NMCI.
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Posted: June 8, 2015
The IASST is an association of safety and survival training organizations whose mission is: To facilitate the exchange of information on matters relating to safety in the maritime environment and to promote continuous improvement in safety and survival training internationally. The IASST aims to improve safety and survival training by sharing of best practice information between its members.
The National Maritime College of Ireland, as members of IASST, are delighted to announce that they will be hosting the 67th International IASST Meeting & Conference on the 19th to 20th of October 2015 at the National Maritime College of Ireland in Ringaskiddy.
Registration for the conference, which is open to non IASST members is now live over on the IASST Website by clicking here and full details on the Conference agenda can be found by clicking here.
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Northern Marine Manning Services Ltd are currently recruiting for a number of positions. They are part of the Stena Group. Utilising their expertise and experience in the marine and offshore industry they are able to offer their clients a recruitment service that understands their individual needs. They provide both temporary and permanent placements in all ranks. For further info click on the link below;
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The Irish branch of the ICS are running a Risk Management Seminar this coming Thursday (June 11th) at the Dublin Port centre. We are delighted to announce that they have extended a discounted fee of €25 for NMCI students. Please click on the link below for further information.
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