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NMCI Services,
National Maritime College of Ireland,
Co. Cork,

Telephone: 021-4335609
Fax: 021-4335696

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NMCI Services

Together with the International Organisation for Industrial Emergency Services Management @OfficialJOIFF, we invite you to attend a #JOIFF shared learning meeting, on September 5th at the #NMCI. For full details visit…


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Copius Resources

Posted: October 13, 2015



The Team

Our diverse team of staff has worked in industries such as Offshore installations, telesales, membership sales, Business to Business relationships, Construction & Engineering, Finance and Hospitality for a number of years, and use their past experience to draw upon when understanding the needs of their clients.

Each member of the team is committed to providing the best customer service possible while operating with the highest level of professional integrity and ethics.

Our team operates currently from 3 locations: Glengormley, Northern Ireland; Aberdeen, Scotland; and Alkmaar, Netherlands. We have business development managers and operations staff in all three locations in order to provide a fast turnaround for staff placement, ideally placed to visit client sites when required and resolve logistical difficulties. The Finance and Administration team are coordinated in Head Office in Northern Ireland, supervised by the Senior Management Team.


People are at the heart of our business.

We understand that our reputation is built on the people that we supply and that achieving this involves the integration of our Core Values including Social Responsibility, Safety and the building of long term relationships with our Staff as well as our Clients.

Copius Resources

Posted In: NMCI Services

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