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Irish Marine Engineers

Posted: June 22, 2015

Irish Marine Engineers

Diamond Jubilee Dinner

Reunion Announcement and Invitation

The Marines are 60 in 2015

Dear Friends,                  

2015 marks 60 unbroken years of Marine Engineering education in Cork. The Committee has decided to organise a reunion of all past Marines and friends to mark and celebrate this unique occasion and we hope you and your friends will join us.

Diamond Jubilee Dinner Saturday 19th September 2015.

The reunion will commence on Friday September 18th with an informal get together at the Rochestown Park Hotel Cork commencing at 20.00hrs.

On Saturday evening we will gather for dinner and fun in the Atrium Bar of the Rochestown Park Hotel, at 19.30hrs with dinner at 20.00hrs in the Estuary Suite.  (Bar open until 01.30hrs)   The cost per person for attendance at the dinner is €50 per person. 

On Saturday September 19th at 14.00 a guided tour of the National Maritime College of Ireland in Ringaskiddy will be available to those who signify a wish to visit the college.

We are very excited about this event as it offers such a unique opportunity to meet and greet each other once again.  Our capacity to socialise together has never been in doubt and the occasion provides a wonderful opportunity to renew friendships!   We will make every effort to contact all alumni but please pass the word to your circle of class friends and contacts in case our address records are not accurate or are out of date.  As we anticipate a high level of interest, we are restricted to 400 attendees and regretfully issue tickets on a “First Come First Served” basis up to the end of July.   

Please contact Donal Burke at:  for booking details for the event.

Very Best Regards

Peter Otter (Chairman, Organising Committee)                                                                              


Peter Otter, Bobby Broderick, Paddy McGlade, Frank Mullin, Gerry Horan, Donal Burke.

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