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National Maritime College of Ireland,
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News from the SMART Initiative

Posted: June 14, 2012

The Strategic Marine Alliance for Research and Training have introduced the

Postgraduate Accredited Module in Applied Marine Biological Sampling and Data Collection

The module is designed for those who wish to gain practical skills in at sea sampling and data collection and is geared towards the training requirements of postgraduate students and researchers,  marine agency and industry personnel, and those wishing to develop a career in applied marine biology.  A description of the module with instructor biographies, application forms for the module and a module poster can be downloaded at the bottom of the page. Completion of the module results in the award of  5 ECTS credits at postgraduate level 9.

Twenty places are available on this accredited postgraduate module which will run between Monday the 1st of October and Friday the 26th October 2012.

Week 1 is composed of mentored student centered distance learning.

Week 2 consists of three days of laboratory practicals and lectures in Galway-Mayo Institute of Technology and  four days shiptime divided between the Celtic Voyager and Celtic Mist research vessels off Cork and in the Shannon Estuary respectively.  For the shiptime components, there will be a maximum of ten students per vessel per day.

Weeks 3 and 4 consist of student centered distance learning leading towards the submission of a project report.

Fees for the module are €750. Completed application forms should be submitted no later than the 20th of July 2012.

For further information please email

If you would like any information on this or similar courses such as corporate team building, OPITO training Ireland, FOET courses and Bridge Simulation – call us today or email us at

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