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Kieran Moynihan, CIT.

Posted: November 18, 2011

Neil Danton Photography, Tuesday 13 Jul 2010.
Kieran Moynihan, newly appointed Entrepreneur in Residence at Cork Institute of Technology, who will be based at the Rubicon Centre and on the main campus and will be available to undergraduates, post grads, staff and CIT Enterprise Development Programmes. Central to the role will be further raising the awareness of entrepreneurship in general across CIT; identifying key market and technology trends and areas which are receiving substantial investment financing, as well as a series of Guest Lectures to undergraduates.
Kieran Moynihan co-founded Comnitel, a telecoms software company in 1999 and led the company as CEO from initial start-up through a 30 million-dollar series of fundraising with leading international venture capitalists.
After completing the CIT led Genesis Enterprise Programme in 1999/2000, Comnitel merged with Metrica and WatchMark to form Vallent, a 450 person global company with annual revenues of approx. 65 million dollars.
From 2003 – 2007 Kieran was Chief Technology Officer for Vallent driving the company’s product and market strategy up to the acquisition of the company by IBM in 2007. He then took on the role of Vice President and CTO for Telecoms for the IBM Tivoli division and has also been a key strategist & visionary for IBM’s overall telecoms business worldwide. He has extensive M&A experience both on the acquirer and acquired side.
Image credit: Neil Danton.
Further info contact Jean Kearney +353 87 252 7495 / Ivor Melia +353 87 223 4194 / .
Press Release image – no reproduction fee. Editorial use only. For use only in relation to caption and/or Client Press Release. No archive, No library, No distribution, No syndication.

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