Posted: May 20, 2011

Joanne Kelleher
Marketing Executive of GAC Training and Service Solutions (GTSS), Joanne Kelleher conducted a feature interview recently with the publication Tanker Operator. The Tanker Operator magazine is the only international publication dedicated to the tanker industry.
Featured in the article is GTSS’s week long Ship-to-Ship (STS) simulator course. The course covers a multitude of topics including safe manoeuvring using the ship’s engines and helm, the impact of natural forces, such as wind, current and interaction, the importance of approach planning, efficient management of bridge procedures and effective and safe bridge team management. read more…
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Posted: April 20, 2011
Virtual Training Solutions through Return to Scene Technology
By Conor Mowlds, Director of GAC Training & Service Solutions Limited (GTSS).
The modern maritime business faces a multitude of pressures in its operating environment. Faced with the global shipping downturn, shrinking commercial margins, increasingly stringent environmental regulations and ongoing operational challenges, it is understandable that some will regard training as just another cost. read more…
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Posted: April 11, 2011

Helen Jauregui has written an article highlighting the importance of correct maritime training despite the tough economic times. New regulations are making it increasingly difficult to avoid training. She explains the importance of choosing the right training methods and providers. Technology is a factor which will play a large part in future training methods according to Jauregui.
This article looks at the training by the GAC Training & Services Solutions and the NMCI who work together to provide training for maritime staff.
To read the article please click here.
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