NMCI -Open Day October 25th 2011
The Maritime Event and Open Day will take place at NMCI on Tuesday, 25th October 2011from 10:00 to 15:00.
Representatives from international shipping companies and maritime organisations will be available to provide information about careers in the maritime industry. These companies provide employment and sponsorship to students undertaking courses offered by the National Maritime College of Ireland.
Throughout the day there will be:
- Tours of the state of the art training facilities at the college including the multi-million euro ship and simulators, including our bridge simulator plus sea survival centre and engineering workshops.
- Presentations by the maritime companies of their career opportunities.
- An events’ hall to visit international maritime companies and organisations.
- Presentation for schools and students on course opportunities at the NMCI.
For enquiries please e-mail: admissions@nmci.ie
Tel.: 021-4970607
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