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National Maritime College of Ireland,
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STCW Refresher Training

Posted: July 23, 2015

We, SEFtec NMCI Offshore, are delighted to announce that we are now offering STCW Refresher Training

Proposed Course Date : August 17th, 2015

Please be advised that we will be updating our website in the coming days to make online bookings possible for delegates and once this is available we will send you a mail shot with a direct link to the booking system.  

In conforming to the provisions of STCW Convention Regulation 1/14, and section A-1/14, of the STCW Code, companies must ensure that seafarers assigned to any of their ships have received refresher and updating training as required by the convention. Courses to be completed will include;  

  • PST (Personal Survival Techniques)  
  • CPSC (Proficiency in Survival Crafts & Rescue Boats other than Fast Rescue Boats)  
  • Fire Fighting & Fire Prevention  
  • Advanced Fire Fighting   
  • Proficiency in Fast Rescue Boats
All of the above courses will be offered at the National Maritime College of Ireland through SEFtec NMCI Offshore.

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STCW Refresher Training 1


The key to maintaining a safe shipping environment and keeping our oceans clean lies in all seafarers across the world observing high standards of competence and professionalism in the duties they perform on-board. The international Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watch keeping for Seafarers 1978, as amended in 1995 and again in 2010, sets those standards, governs the award of certificates and controls watch keeping arrangements . Its provisions not only apply to seafarers, but also to ship-owners, training establishments and national maritime administrations.

New Legislative Requirements

In conforming to the provisions of STCW Convention Regulation 1/14, and section A-1/14, of the STCW Code, companies must ensure that seafarers assigned to any of their ships have received refresher and updating training as required by the convention.

If a member of your team is serving on board a ship and is qualified in any of the following, they must, as of the 1st of January 2017, have documentary evidence of either having completed the training course or updated their training within the last 5 years.

The 2010 Manila Amendments to the STCW Code introduced new requirements for seafarers to hold the following certificates of proficiency:

  • Personal Survival Techniques (STCW Table A-VI/1-1)
  • Fire Prevention and Fire Fighting (STCW Table A-VI/1-2)
  • Proficiency in Survival Craft and Rescue Boats Other Than Fast Rescue Boats (STCW Table A-VI/2-1)
  • Proficiency in Fast Rescue Boats (STCW Table A-VI/2-2)
  • Advanced Fire Fighting (STCW Table A-VI/3)


Seafarers required to hold any of the certificates of proficiency listed above shall, every five years, provide evidence of having maintained the required standard of competence to undertake the tasks, duties and responsibilities.

Seafarers validating their CoC or CoP after 1st January 2017 will be required to submit documentary evidence of having completed such training.

Deadlines to meet

The 2010-amended STCW Convention came into force on 1 January 2012. However, there is a five year transitional period, until 1 January 2017, to allow for a phased in implementation of the provisions. After January 2017, all seafarers are required to meet STCW 2010 standards. The three important dates to remember are:

1 January 2012

The STCW Convention comes into force for all countries party to the convention. From 1 January 2012 onwards, requirements for the new minimum rest hours and a record of hours of work must be complied with. For a period of five years, until 1 February 2017, on a national basis the different revised regulations contained in the 2010-amended convention will be phased in. During this five year transitional period, a party may continue to issue certificates of competency in accordance with its previous practices, however from 1 July 2013 new seafarers-training and competence should comply with the 2010-amended STCW Convention.

1 January 2014

After 1 January 2014 seafarers will have to be trained in security in compliance with the new provisions.

1 January 2017

The implementation period ends. From February 2017 onwards all seafarers on active service must comply with all the 2010-amended STCW requirements and be in possession of a valid STCW certificate covering the functions performed on-board. Administrations will also issue and recognise and endorse certificates in accordance with the STCW provisions prior to 2010 for those commencing training prior to 1 July 2013.


Basic safety training for officers:

Officers serving on any type of ship who are designated with safety and pollution prevention responsibilities in the operation of the ship need basic safety training. Such training must cover personal survival techniques, basic fire prevention and fire fighting, elementary first aid, and personal and social responsibilities. This requirement applies to practically all officers serving on merchant ships. Cadets assigned with these duties also need to complete basic safety training before going to sea. Basic safety training should be documented as having taken place within five years of the officers being assigned to safety and pollution prevention duties. You need to complete an approved training course or provide evidence that you have achieved the required standards of competence within the previous five years (by participating in drills and exercises, for example, or assessment by a qualified assessor). It is advisable that you do hold some form of documentary evidence to show that you have achieved competence in these functions within the previous five years (this may be in the form of record of drills or letters from a training centre).

New requirements of the amended 2010 STCW

All ships must have a qualified security officer delegated by the company and master of the ship, who is responsible for ensuring that the other crew are familiarised and trained in security matters for that vessel. The revised convention has introduced bridge resource management and engine resource management requirements for senior officers and leadership and management skills within their certificate. Companies should be responsible for providing training in these areas where seafarers do not have appropriate training. Where the company requires to carry an electro-technical officer they should comply with the new competency requirements under A-III/6.

General requirements for ratings

Ratings fall under three general categories; those forming part of a watch (deck or engine), those who are not assigned watch-keeping duties, and those undergoing training. As a rating you are required to meet minimum standards of medical fitness, minimum age (if designated with watch-keeping duties), competence (if designated with watch-keeping duties), and seagoing service time (if designated with watch keeping duties). Ratings who are not assigned watch-keeping duties or those still undergoing training are not required to hold watch-keeping certificates. All other certification requirements for ratings depend on the functions performed on board.

Ratings assigned watch-keeping duties

Ratings forming part of a watch (deck or engine) need to be specifically certified for this function. If you are part of a navigational watch, you need to hold a certificate known as ‘rating forming part of a navigational watch’ certificate. On the other hand, if you are part of an engineering watch, you will need to hold a certificate known as ‘rating forming part of an engineering watch’  certificate. To obtain these certificates you need to show that you are competent in the functions. You can find the complete version of these in the STCW Convention under section A-II/4 for deck personnel and A-III/4 for engine personnel. Seafarers who have the appropriate competencies to become able seafarer deck or able seafarer engine under the new provisions II/5 and III/5 must first have become proficient watch keepers. However if you served for a period of not less than one year as a rating in the relevant capacity before the convention came into force for the administration issuing your certificate then you may be considered to meet the competence requirements and will be certified accordingly, without needing to undergo any further training. The above may also apply to integrated ratings under the new provisions of VII/2.4.

Ratings forming part of a navigational watch

You should meet the competence requirements stated below. These do not apply to ratings on ships of below 500 gross tonnages. You must be able to:

1. Steer the ship and comply with helm orders issued in English (covers the use of magnetic and gyro compasses, helm orders, change over from automatic pilot to hand steering device and vice-versa).

2. Keep a proper look-out by sight and hearing (covers the responsibilities of a look-out including reporting the approximate bearing of a sound signal, light or other object in degrees or points).


3. Contribute to monitoring and controlling a safe watch (covers shipboard terms and definitions, use of internal communication and alarm systems, have the ability to understand orders and to communicate with the officer of the watch in matters relevant to watch-keeping duties, be familiar with the procedures for the relief, maintenance and hand-over of a watch, the information required to maintain a safe watch and basic environmental protection procedures).

4. Operate emergency equipment and apply emergency procedures (covers knowledge of emergency duties and alarm signals, knowledge of pyrotechnic distress signals, satellite EPIRB’s and SARTS, avoidance of false distress alerts and action to be taken in the event of accidental activation).

Ratings forming part of engineering watch

If you are part of an engineering watch you should meet the competence requirements stated below. The requirements are the same as for STCW-95. They do not apply to ratings on ships of below 750kW in propulsion power.

You need to be able to:

1. Carry out a watch routine appropriate to the duties of a rating forming part of an engine room watch, and communicate effectively in matters related to watch-keeping duties (covers terms used in machinery spaces and the names of machinery and equipment, engine-room watch-keeping procedures, safe working practices in engine-room operations, basic environmental protection procedures, use of internal communications systems, engine room alarm systems, and ability to distinguish between the various alarms with special reference to fire extinguishing gas alarms).

2. Keep a boiler watch and maintain the correct water level and steam pressure (covers safe operation of boilers).

3. Operate emergency equipment and apply emergency procedures (covers knowledge of emergency duties, escape routes from machinery spaces, familiarity with the location and the use of fire fighting equipment in machinery areas).

Ratings’ duties on joining any ship

All ratings need to complete a period of ship-specific familiarisation training, including security before being assigned any shipboard functions. There is no certificate awarded for this, but a record should be kept of it in the ship’s official logbook. This requirement applies to any member of the crew, including hotel staff in passenger ships.

Basic safety training for ratings

Ratings serving on any type of ship who are designated with safety, security and pollution prevention responsibilities in the operation of the ship need basic safety training. This covers personal survival techniques, basic fire prevention and fire fighting, elementary first aid, and personal and social responsibilities. This requirement applies to practically all ratings serving on merchant ships as well as to ratings undergoing training. Basic safety training should be documented as having taken place within five years of a rating’s being assigned to safety and pollution prevention duties.

You need to complete an approved training course or provide evidence that you have attained the required standards of competence within the previous five years (by participating in drills and exercises, for example, or assessment by a qualified assessor). There is no requirement for seafarers to hold an official certificate of basic training, but it is advisable that you possess some form of documentary evidence to show that you have attained competence in these functions within the previous five years (record of drills or letters from a training centre).

Click here ( STCW Guide ) to view the full guide produced by the IMO.

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Why delegates choose NMCI Services

Posted: July 20, 2015

Why choose NMCI Services?

NMCIS is the commercial division of the National Maritime College, Europe’s leading third level maritime college. Our goal is to achieve and deliver excellent, quality service to our existing and future customer base. All of our clients are safe in the knowledge that they are trained by experienced, professional mariners to the highest standards. Let NMCI Services be your first port of call.

Did you know that we have a 10 acre site with state of the art facilities located only 16km from Cork City, a city with key transport links across Europe? Well we do! We partnered with GAC and SEFtec Global Training Ireland Ltd, enabling us to meet International Standards. And just when you thought that wasn’t enough we give corporate discounts and even offer bespoke training to meet the needs of your industry. Why not make NMCIS your first port of call…

For delegates travelling from the UK the current exchange rate is very favourable and there are daily flights directly from London Heathrow to Cork Airport.

What delegates have to say about us…

When you think of maritime training then you should be thinking NMCIS and that’s what comes to mind for delegates who have completed their training with us. We have handpicked the best instructors in industry to teach all our professional short maritime courses and this is reflected in the testimonials from delegates. Check out some of those testimonials below;


“An excellent course ran by professionals.  Training was delivered to a very high standard and information was conveyed in a clear and professional manner. Overall I felt the course was very good and well delivered by all trainers”. (Terry J. Rathire) (BOSIET Course)


“The course content was excellent and all  instructors were exceptional at their jobs. I would highly recommend the training centre. I will be returning to complete my next course at the facility”.  (Rory O’Connor) (BOSIET Course)



“I had an enjoyable day on the FOET. The three instructors were very professional and informative. All questions were answered and explained thoroughly. I will definitely recommend NMCI to all of my colleagues”. (Stephen Harris) (FOET Course)

Personal Survival Techniques

“Brilliant course, it was very well structured and presented. I have to say that Terry, Liz and Killian are extremely knowledgeable and were great operators. Thanks a millions”. (Patrick McLeod) (PST Course)

“I found the course very enjoyable. It was a great combination of theory and practical learning. The instructors were extremely knowledgeable, friendly and affable. I would highly recommend this course to anybody”. (Romano Capocci) (PST)

“Great course. I’m not very confident in the water but felt very safe and completed the helicopter simulation thanks to the instructors. Overall it was a great experience”.  (Chris Marsh) (PST)



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SeaFest 2015 – Ireland’s Maritime Festival

Posted: July 8, 2015


A major celebration of Ireland’s ocean wealth will take place this weekend in Ringaskiddy. A two day event, July 10th (Friday) and 11th (Saturday) , is planned for Ringaskiddy and Haulbowline in association with The Marine Institute, the Beaufort Building, the National Maritime College of Ireland, NMCI Services , IMERC  and the Irish Naval Service.

The event is an initiative of Ireland’s Integrated Marine Plan – Harnessing Our Ocean Wealth. It will build on the first annual “Our Ocean Wealth Conference” which took place in Dublin Castle last July. The event was attended by over 500 delegates.  This year the organisers hope to attract a wider audience over the two day event which will include a conference, marine technology expo, investor events, workshops, a seafood festival, a family fun day, and competitions.

By broadening its scope to include a range of activities open to families as well as businesses and potential investors, the event aims to highlight the social, cultural and economic benefits of Ireland’s marine sector and provide a platform for public engagement with Ireland’s marine resources. With trade fairs, an Oceanic Experience, Mega Yachts and tours of Haulbowline, NMCI & the Beaufort building it’s definitely a date for the diary.


Family Fun? 

Saturday, July 11th from 10am – 6pm, is the family fun day where visitors can “Captain” their own ship in the NMCI Simulators, experience the BIM Beaufort Scale Hurricane , tour naval ships, or why not enjoy the RNLI duck race. Other events will include carnival games and seafaring family fun, Irish Naval Service manoeuvres, a magnificant parade of sail with stunning mega yachts, lectures and exhibits on marine life, an appearance by Black John, the Bogus Pirate and all manner of festival entertainment for every age group. For the full program then click here.



Wondering how you can travel to SeaFest?

There will be a ferry service operated by the Naval Service from the Naval Pier in Cobh to Haulbowline on Saturday 11th July from 10am departing every hour until 5pm. Return ferry from Haulbowline to Cobh will leave from 11am departing every hour until 6pm. 


For further information regarding this spectacular event keep an eye out on the NMCI Services blog over here where we will keep you updated on developments or why not check out the official conference website by clicking here.

Remember to use the hashtag “#SeaFest” on twitter and to follow them by clicking here.

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World Maritime Day 2015

Posted: July 6, 2015

 World Maritime Day – September 24th 2015

The theme for this year’s IMO World Maritime Day, which will be celebrated in September 2015, is “Maritime Education & Training”. This is very timely since the end of 2015 will see the completion of the next comprehensive update on the worldwide supply and demand for seafarers, the major project which ICS conduct every 5 years in conjunction with BIMCO. The 2015 report should reveal how recruitment and training has been affected since the downturn, during a period in which the size of the world fleet has nevertheless expanded considerably.

 The World Maritime Day theme for 2015 is  “Maritime education and training”. 

The theme was adopted to focus attention on  the wider spectrum of maritime education and training, in particular its adequacy and quality, as the bedrock of a safe and secure shipping industry, which needs to preserve the quality, practical skills and competence of qualified human resources, in order to ensure its sustainability.
The 1978 STCW Convention and Code, as amended, set the  international benchmark for the training and education of seafarers.  While compliance with its standards is essential for serving on board  ships, the skills and competence of seafarers, and indeed, the human  element ashore, can only be adequately underpinned, updated and  maintained through effective maritime education and training. 
World Maritime Day will be celebrated at IMO Headquarters on  Thursday, 24 September 2015, but other events and activities focusing on maritime education​ and training will be held throughout the year.  Member Governments, the maritime industry and training centres are invited to organize their own events to support the theme.  The World Maritime Day Parallel Event will be held in Japan on 20 and 21  July 2015 (Please click here for the Parallel Event website​).  

Join the campaign with NMCI Services using ” #NMCIS #WorldMaritimeDay “on twitter

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