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NMCI Services,
National Maritime College of Ireland,
Co. Cork,

Telephone: 021-4335609
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Press Releases:

Strong Growth for Irish Ports

Posted: April 18, 2016

The iShip Index

The iShip index is a method used to measure the volume of traffic which travels through Irish ports. It has shown a positive increase in all major traffic modes such a Bulk traffic, LoLo traffic and RoRo traffic in recent years.


Traffic Volume

According to “The Irish Maritime Development Offices” latest newsletter the total volume of traffic moving through mostly Dublin, Cork and Waterford ports has reached its highest in 2015 with 997 punts on the iShip  index since 2008. Although this is lower than the peak year in 2007 (1,042 points) it represents substantial growth since the economic crisis (2009 which was a low 693 points).


Image result for cork ports

These figures are evidence of the success of 2015 in the maritime industry. Exports in merchandise grew by 20% while imports increased by 20%. This puts an expectation of further growth in 2016 of 6.5% and again in 2017 of a furthur 4.4%.



Tourism is vital to Irish ports. Figures from 2015 have shown 4.4 million tourists passed through Irish ports using ferry services which connected them to Britian and France. Cruise liners also brought over 450,00 tourists to Irish ports in the last year, which is an increase of 3% since 2014.


Image result for port of cork cruise and ferry


The Future of Irish Poets

Irish ports play a substantial role to forecasting possible growth in the Irish economy in the coming years. Director “Liam Lacey” of the “The Irish Maritime Development Office” has stated that “it is important to address the need for additional capacity. Ambitious development plans, capable of meeting the growing needs of the of the National economy, have been progressed by Dublin, Cork and Shannon Foynes and will be brought to fruition over the next five years.” Such plans are sure to increase international trade and lead to job creation for the Irish Port and Maritime industry.



To Read More about the Growth check out The Irish Maritime Development Offices latest newsletter

Irish Maritime Transport Economist reports strong growth for traffic modes through Irish ports






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STCW Basic Suite

Posted: April 11, 2016

STCW Basic Suite


Here at the National Maritime College of Ireland we offer a range of courses which give delegates the opportunity to achieve the STCW Basic Suite of Safety Training certification.

All of our courses are carried out by our highly experienced instructors in our state of the art facility in Ringaskiddy Co.Cork.

We are running the below courses this coming May. These courses are designed to give all our delegates the skills needed to pursue a career at sea.


STCW Basic Suite

Day 1 Personal Safety and Social Responsibility 03/05/2016  
Day 2 – 4 Fire Prevention and Fire Fighting 04/05/2016 – 06/05/2016  
Day 5 Personal Survival Techniques 09/05/2016  
Day 6 Elementary First Aid 10/05/2016  


All the above may be booked online for a total cost of




Each course should be booked seperately on our

NMCI Services website



For more information feel free to contact our office

Phone: 021-4335609





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Donal Burke Oxygen Depletion

Posted: April 4, 2016

Lunchtime Lecture Series


Donal Burke 

CEng, CMarEng, FIMarEST.



National Maritime College of Ireland

The Lecture Theatre

Wednesday April 6th


The topic of discussion will be the findings from a series of oxygen depletion experiments to simulate the speed of oxygen depletion within the enclosed cargo spaces on board a vessel carrying a scrap metal cargo.

The objective of the lecture is to show how these findings can be translated to highlight dangers within ballast tanks, chain lockers, access ways and enclosed spaces in general.


We hope to see you on Wednesday the 6th.


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Combine BOSIET

Posted: March 18, 2016




April 18th 2016  


National Maritime College of Ireland


This OPITO approved course is designed to introduce delegates to Specific safety issues and regimes relevant to offshore installations. Delegates also become equip with the basic emergency response knowledge and skills for travelling to and from offshore installations by helicopter, with the use of EBS and CA-EBS emergency equipment.  


The course is a mix of theoretical and practical sessions, during which delegates are required to demonstrate their level of knowledge and understanding of the training programme content.
By the end of this training programme, delegates:

  • Have knowledge of the offshore industry including:Understand the processes involved in helicopter travel & be competent in their ability to escape from a ditched or ditching helicopter in an emergency situation.

Offshore hazards & Control Measures

Offshore Safety Management

How Offshore Safety is Regulated

Living & Working in the Offshore Environment


  • Have knowledge of what to do in an evacuation situation: How to respond to alarms, the systems used to achieve successful evacuation and the actions to take in the event of a water entry situation.


  • Understand what is meant by emergency First Aid and how to assist in a First Aid situation prior to arrival of the medic.


  • Are competent in the use of portable fire extinguishers for basic firefighting and confident in self-rescue techniques used to successfully escape from smoke filled environments.


  Successful delegates are awarded two OPITO approved certificates issued upon successful course completion.
The OPITO Combined BOSIET is valid for a 4 year period.



NMCI Services,
National Maritime College of Ireland,
Co. Cork,
Telephone: 021-4335609

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Port Safety and Security Awareness Training

Posted: March 15, 2016

Port Pic 2

Port Safety and Security Awareness Training

April 7th 2016,

at the National Maritime College of Ireland


Course Aim:


The purpose of this 1 day course is to provide awareness training in Health & Safety, as outlined in the Code of Practice for Health and Safety in Dock Work published by the Health and Safety Authority (HSA), for any person engaged in work activity in ports and docks facilities and

To provide awareness training in port security as required by the International Ship & Port Facility Security (ISPS) Code



Course Objectives:


To promote a safety culture among the many diverse users of a port

To ensure that anyone directly involved in work activity in ports are aware of their

responsibilities under the Safety, Health and Welfare at Work Act 2005 (No. 10 of2005)

To ensure that all persons are aware of the hazardous nature of doc work

To ensure that all persons required to work on board ships are aware of the hazards to be encountered

To help in the assessment of risk arising in docks operations

To promote an understanding of the requirements of the ISPS Code


Course Content:



Port Accident Statistics




Managing Health and Safety in Ports

Hazards on Docks

Hazards on Board Ships

Port Security



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