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NMCI Services,
National Maritime College of Ireland,
Co. Cork,

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NMCI: A maritime centre of excellence

Posted: May 21, 2015


The National Maritime College of Ireland (NMCI) is the first third level institution of its kind in Ireland and provides training and education for the Merchant Marine and the non-military needs of the Irish Naval Service (INS). With an original investment of €60 million, the NMCI provides education services of the highest quality using state of the art equipment and facilities. Specialist spaces including survival facilities, seamanship and shipwrights’ workshops, firefighting/damage control units, jetty and lifeboat facilities and engine room are provided. The college also provides specialised simulation equipment in the areas of navigation, bridge training, communications, engineering machinery operations, liquid cargo handling/damage control and vessel traffic systems.

The NMCI offers degree courses in Nautical Science, Beng in Marine Engineering and Beng in ElectroTechnology.  It also offers a Certificate in Navigational Studies (Seamanship) which would suit school leavers and those with experience of working aboard merchant ships or fishing vessels. Professional seafarers seeking further training are also catered for with short courses and preparatory courses for the Certificates of Competency through the commercial division of the college.


What makes the NMCI a global leader? With 3 joint ventures under their belt to date the NMCI is leading maritime excellence on a global scale. Joining forces with GAC (GTSS) SEFtec (SNO) and Port of Cork has strengthened the NMCI’s position as global leaders in the maritime sector.  By forming a strategic partnership with Ireland’s most progressive multi modal deep sea port, NMCI Services gains industry credibility in the delivery of modern courses for the maritime, and in particular the port industry, by drawing upon serving pilots and shore professionals from the Port of Cork.

Offering an exciting, fresh approach, with access to the best training facilities in Europe, GTSS delivers high quality niche training both at the NMCI and abroad, in areas such as the Philippines and the United Arab Emirates. In-depth industry knowledge enables GTSS to develop courses that are tailored to client’s specific requirements.

Encompassing the expertise of SEFtec & the NMCI, SNO have increased their target audience to encompass Europe, Asia and the USA, thus filling a global niche for offshore training.  This year, 2015, saw the new edition of an offshore training centre in Las Palmas, Gran Canaria where the SNO Consultancy team worked with Grupo Stier to open the first offshore training centre on the Island. Head of NMCI & Managing Director  for SNO Conor Mowlds said “This project is one of the most exciting we have been involved in, the professionalism and focus of the Grupo Stier Team is truly impressive and the location of the Training Centre is unequalled. We have committed the full resources and expertise of the NMCI in support of this fantastic initiative and we are proud to be associated with both Grupo Stier and the Canary Islands”.


Not only have SNO worked in the Canary Islands but to date consultancy has brought them to Tawazun, Angola, Gran Canaria and Bahrain. The future looks bright as they plan to further expand their reach by developing more training centres across the globe. These planned developments will strengthen the SNO brand worldwide and drive awareness for the Irish Maritime sector abroad.


The NMCI is also home to the “Halpin – Centre for Research and Innovation”. For a full low down on the great work of the Halpin Research & Innovation centre then check out this article.

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NMCI Sailing Club place 3rd

Posted: April 21, 2015

Great news to report that NMCI Sailing Club successfully secured 3rd in France! As the only Irish team to compete in the “Hydro’s Cup” in Le Havre, Normandy, they certainly flew the Irish flag in style, with a top class performance. The boats in 1st and 2nd were two of the local teams who know the boats and waters very well. The top three boats finished within 40 seconds of each other in nearly every race, making for a superb spectacle. On board was: Conor Haughton – Nautical Science,  Andy Verso– Marine Engineering,  Rob Scandrett – Nautical Science, Audrius Kaminskas – Nautical Science,  Aaron Little – Nautical Science.

Congratulations from the team here at NMCI Services.

NMCI Sailing Club

NMCI Sailing Club

NMCI Sailing Club


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Marine Electrotechnology at NMCI

Posted: April 15, 2015



This very popular course attracts students from Ireland and abroad. It is now in its fourth year and the first graduates will be conferred with their degrees this summer.

Students will receive a professional qualification to work in the maritime industry as Electro Technical Officers. It is a requirement by the International Maritime Organisation that by 2017 all relevant ships officers must have a recognised Electro Technical Officer qualification.

Students attend NMCI for two years before doing a year at sea. They then return for a final year to college before graduating with a highly sought after professional qualification which will guarantee them rewarding and exciting and exciting work in the international maritime industry.

It is fair to say that this is one of the very few course available where second year students are actively recruited by the shipping industry. On completion of the four year course over 90% of our graduates are in employment.

The coordinator for the ETO course is Ian Black.




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Nautical Science Graduate – Leanne Batchelor

Posted: April 8, 2015

Leanne Batchelor - Nautical Science

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