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NMCI Services,
National Maritime College of Ireland,
Co. Cork,

Telephone: 021-4335609
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NMCI Services

Together with the International Organisation for Industrial Emergency Services Management @OfficialJOIFF, we invite you to attend a #JOIFF shared learning meeting, on September 5th at the #NMCI. For full details visit…


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Posted: August 7, 2012

NMCI sponsors Tall ShipsThe National Maritime College of Ireland is enabling two lucky people to join The Tall Ships Races 2012 on 12th August in A Coruña, Galicia, Spain and sail all the way to Dublin. This support, enabled by the Maritime Learning Network ‘MarLeaNet’, an EU project – a network of maritime training centres in Portugal, Spain, France and Ireland, was announced today at the Mansion House in Dublin. Launched by Deputy Lord Mayor of Dublin Clare Byrne, The Tall Ships Races 2012 – Dublin trainee programme enables over 50 Irish 18-25 year old trainees to experience life and work on board 6 magnificent Tall Ships.

The first trainee, Ryan Hawes turns 23 later this week and will join the ship Kapitan Borchardt, a Polish vessel just under 34m in length and built in 1918. Our second trainee, 18-year-old Patrol Leader and Watch Leader in Dollymount Sea Scouts, Orla Kelly, will join the Johanna Lucretia, a 27m vessel with a UK flag.

The National Maritime College of Ireland (NMCI), located in Ringaskiddy, Co Cork, in the second largest natural harbour in the world. A constituent college of Cork Institute of Technology, the NMCI is a state of the art facility that provides training and education for the Merchant Marine and the Irish Naval Service.

“The NMCI provides training to the seafarers of tomorrow in its specialist facility, which includes survival training facilities, fire fighting / damage control training, confined space training, jetty and lifeboat facilities”, says Grainne Lynch, Project Manager of the MarLeaNet project in the NMCI.

“The MarLeaNet project allows the NMCI to work with other training centres all along the route of the Tall Ships Race in, France, Portugal and Spain.” The NMCI also provides specialist simulation equipment for teaching navigation, communications, engineering-machinery operations and vessel traffic systems.

Lynch adds, “The Tall Ships Races 2012 – Dublin give trainees a fantastic opportunity to experience life at sea and to be part of a team for a unforgettable experience. For those that relish the challenge of the sea and want to turn it into a career, there is only one place to go – to the National Maritime College of Ireland.”

For more information on The Tall Ships Races 2012 – Dublin go to

Do come to the National Maritime College of Ireland Open Day on Tuesday 23 October 2012, 10.00am – 3.00pm. For Group Bookings contact +353 21 4970607.

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Renewable UK Marine Safety Training

Posted: August 3, 2012

Are you currently looking for work in the Offshore Renewable Wind Energy Sector?

The Marine Safety Training – Vessel Transit and Transfer course  may be applicable to you..  Offered at the National Maritime College of Ireland -the course is accredited by Renewable UK. RenewableUK is the trade and professional body for the UK wind and marine renewables industries. Formed in 1978, and with 665 corporate members, RenewableUK is the leading renewable energy trade association in the UK.

The course will cover:

  • Types of emergencies and abnormal conditions
  • Man Overboard procedures
  • Alarms and communications
  • Actions to take in an emergency
  • Vessel Layout
  • Launching of life rafts
  • Safe methods of equipment transfer to and from a vessel
  • Procedures for vessel emergencies
  • General health and safety duties of employers to provide training and ensure competence of employees
  • Overview of legislation relevant to offshore operations and more.

Book now to secure your place at:

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Vroon Offshore Services are recruiting

Posted: May 16, 2012

This may be of interest to those of you who have recently completed our BOSIET training, MIST training courses or FOET courses;

Vroon Offshore Services Ltd, based in Aberdeen, operates and manages the UK’s largest fleet of Emergency Response and Rescue vessels.

Contracted to support oil and gas installations in the North Sea, Vroon Offshore Services has an enviable record of safety and development. Our 50 vessels, many of which are modern multi-role ships will be supplemented by six new buildings with delivery in 2013.

Deeside Guernsey Ltd are the employers of the crew who serve on the vessels which are operated and managed by Vroon Offshore Services Ltd

As a result of the ongoing fleet expansion Deeside Guernsey Ltd are currently recruiting for all ranks and in particular:



With competitive salaries and good working conditions Deeside Guernsey Ltd offers an opportunity to work as

part of a great team in an exciting and demanding environment.

For more information and to apply, please submit your CV and cover letter to our crewing agents: or write now to:

Deeside Crewing Services Ltd, Regent Centre, Regent Road, Aberdeen, AB11 5NS.Vroon Offshore Services are recruiting

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SEFtec NMCI Offshore appears on TV3 News

Posted: May 1, 2012

We were on TV! Click on the link below to catch the show:
SEFtec NMCI Offshore appears on TV3 News read more…

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Mainport are recruiting!

Posted: April 24, 2012

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