Posted: March 10, 2015
Advanced Fire Fighting Course (Click here to view a HTML Version)
Due to high demand we have limited availability in our upcoming”Advanced Fire Fighting Course” here at NMCI Services. which is due to run on March 23rd. Book today to avoid disappointment. –Click Me

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“Learning today….Leading tomorrow”
When we think of students our brain automatically reverts to thinking about young people and the fun they have in college. We never think of them as being the future. At the NMCI we take a personal interest in the education and professional development of our students as they are the leaders of our future.
When a student enrols at NMCI they sign up to a leading maritime college who are focusing on developing their skills and knowledge to an expert level. Companies know that our cadets are focused, have a diverse skill set and expert knowledge.
The National Maritime College boasts a $100 million dollar facility located in Ringaskiddy, in Cork, an area with great connectivity to Europe. With specialist spaces including survival facilities, seamanship and shipwrights’ workshops, fire fighting/damage control, jetty and lifeboat facilities and engine room we have a diverse range of facilities here. We also provide specialised simulation equipment in the areas of navigation, bridge training, communications, engineering –machinery operation, liquid cargo handling/damage control and vessel traffic systems. These facilities fully comply with the most up to date international standards and requirements. Check out the different degree programmes we offer here at the NMCI and the unique qualities of our cadets.
Cadet Training is delivered through 3 Degree Programmes;
• Bachelor of Science in Nautical Science
• Bachelor of Engineering in Marine & Plant Engineering
• Bachelor of Engineering in Marine Electrotechnology
All courses are run in the state of the art facility in Cork Harbour incorporating full mission simulation and extensive survival training facilities. All of our cadets are trained in our $100 million dollar state of the art facility which is located 1 mile from Cork Harbour with great connectivity to Europe.
What’s different about our cadets?
- STCW mandatory training provided, with further specialised courses upon company request. i.e. Basic Oil & Chemical Tanker
- Additional Training Deck Officer and ETO Candidates:
- Electronic Navigational Systems
- Support towards sponsorship costs available from the Irish Government through the ISEAS Grant
- All Officer Candidates receive the following training:
- Basic Sea Survival
- Basic and Advanced Fire Fighting
- Medical First Aid
- Medical Care
- Security Awareness
- ISPS & Safety Officer
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Posted: March 6, 2015
People’s attitudes towards Friday fascinate me. Its a fair assumption to say that “People love Fridays” and its probably because the weekend is fast approaching. I will admit that we do love Friday’s here at NMCI Services aswell but in a different kind of way. We have that Friday feeling everyday.
Seen as its Friday we have decided to bring you on a behind the scenes tour of our workplace to show you the full effects of that “Friday Feeling” on all our team here, and everyone from NMCI, Halpin, Cofley and the Irish Naval Service.
Friday’s call for “Crunchies”, so we decided to surprise some staff members with a special bar of chocolate to let them know how much we appreciate them. Remember how we had a blog piece called “Our Employees are our most valuable asset” , well that title rings through here at NMCI Services, so we decided to give everyone a treat.
Check out some of the selfies we took with members of the team today at the National Maritime College of Ireland, Ringaskiddy, Co.Cork, Ireland. Help us get trending on twitter using the hash tag #NMCIS #thankcrunchieitsfriday.
Happy Friday from NMCI

Head of NMCI Services Jim O’Byrne

SEFtec NMCI Offshore Instructors Melissa & Joey

Fred & Justin

Sue & John

Head of NMCI Conor Mowlds

Terry (Instructor) & Ray (operations Manager)

Delegates from the Canary Islands

Students from NMCI

Students from NMCI

Ciaran from Halpin

The Marketing (Right) & Admin Team (Left)

“Commodore” Garrett O’ Rourke aka Business Development

Viv Gough

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Posted: March 5, 2015
New Legislation calls for “Entry into Enclosed Spaces” Training
Confined Space accidents are not a new phenomenon.
With over 5million workers entering confined spaces on a yearly basis worldwide, 259 of those workers die, which equates to 1 death per day. This is one death too many. The thing about entry into enclosed spaces is that for every 1 person who requires rescuing, 2-3 other un-trained rescuers die with them trying to execute a rescue. Training is key to avoiding such accidents.
The American Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OHSA) agency found when studying confined space fatalities that:
• 89% of fatalities occurred with jobs authorised by supervisors
• 80% of fatalities happened in locations that had been previously entered by the same person who later died
• Only 7% of the locations had warning signs indicating that they were confined spaces
• 65% of confined space fatalities are due to atmospheric hazards
• 35% of those who died were supervisors
New Legislative Requirements
The amendments to SOLAS Chapter III are detailed in IMO Resolution MSC.350 (92) which requires the following in relation to enclosed space entry and rescue drills:
“3.3 Crew members with enclosed space entry or rescue responsibilities shall participate in an enclosed space entry and rescue drill to be held on board the ship at least once every two months.
3.6.2 Each enclosed space entry and rescue drill shall include:
.1 Checking and use of personal protective equipment required for entry;
.2 Checking and use of communication equipment and procedures;
.3 Checking and use of instruments for measuring the atmosphere in enclosed spaces;
.4 Checking and use of rescue equipment and procedures; and
.5 Instructions in first aid and resuscitation techniques.
4.2 Every crew member shall be given instructions which shall include but not necessarily be limited to:
4.2.5 Risks associated with enclosed spaces and on-board procedures for safe entry into such spaces which should take into account, as appropriate, the guidance provided in recommendations developed by the Organisation”.
Members are advised to ensure their Safety Management Systems are updated to reflect this development and to implement such drills.
What does this mean for you & your Organisation?
As legislation changes and people retrain we at NMCI Services recommend delegates to undertake the “Entry into Enclosed Spaces” course. Let NMCI Services help you and your team achieve these new safety standards.
The aim of this course is to give your team training to meet the requirements set out in ‘The Merchant Shipping’ Regulations 1988, IMO Resolution A.864 and the Code of Safe Working Practices for Merchant Seamen (COSWP). The course will meet the new amended requirements laid out in the SOLAS Regulation III/19.
It is proven that training reduces accidents. Don’t let one of your team be a statistic, re-train them today. Entry into enclosed spaces really is a silent killer; having up to date training will help save lives.
Contact us today for further course details on: (021) 4335609
Course Details
- 1 Day Course
- 12 Delegates per Course
- Corporate Discounts Available
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