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NMCI Services,
National Maritime College of Ireland,
Co. Cork,

Telephone: 021-4335609
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NMCI Services

Together with the International Organisation for Industrial Emergency Services Management @OfficialJOIFF, we invite you to attend a #JOIFF shared learning meeting, on September 5th at the #NMCI. For full details visit…


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Branded Merchandise….

Posted: February 17, 2015


So, we are currently looking into getting some branded merchandise and want your help in deciding what we should order…We would be extremely grateful if you could take a few minutes out of your busy schedule to help us choose. In return, as always, we will reward one lucky person with some branded merchandise from NMCI Services.  Happy Tuesday.


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“Our people are our most valuable asset”

Posted: February 13, 2015


“Our people are our most valuable asset”

Steve Jobs once said that “The only way to do great work is to love what you do”. – that’s why we at NMCI Services take pride in getting leading industry experts to join our team. By handpicking our team we are confident that they love what they do, have the relevant qualifications and experience, and most importantly that they want to be a part of our growing company.


Our Story

Not only do our employees love what they do but they take pride in delivering top class maritime training courses to meet the needs of both our current and prospective clients. Meeting the specific needs of that customer base enables us to gain a deeper understanding of them. Understanding their needs and wants has enabled us to grow and develop, to create specific training courses and to offer bespoke dates.

While understanding our clients and providing a top quality service has been an integral part of our ethos, we have always recognized how safety is paramount. A key motto for all staff at NMCI Services is and always will be “safety first – safety always”.

Since the development of NMCI Services back in 2008, by management of the NMCI, we have expanded. By joining forces with GAC and SEFtec we have developed our range of course offerings and have become world leaders in maritime training.


Why us?

One element of our long term focus is develop a team of highly skilled and experienced instructors who will deliver our specialised maritime training courses at our $100 million dollar state of the art facilities. Not only have we state of the art facilities but we are a center of excellence with great connectivity. Located only 9 miles from Cork Airport and 1 mile from the Port of Cork, NMCI Services is located on a 10 acre site overlooking Cork harbor – a world class facility on Europe’s doorstep.

As we grow, our team is expanding; we want to have the best in industry on board. Not only are we a great company to work for, but we are continuously developing and meeting the needs of our customer base.



Follow us on Twitter or LinkedIn today to kick-start your career with us. Remember, “Our people are our most valuable asset” so let us be your first port of call for a career in the maritime sector.


What our Instructors have to say about us;

“I’ve been working with NMCI Services for a while now and I have to say that the staff are a great bunch of people to work with. I like how I get to interact with so many different people on a daily basis due to the vast amount of short courses we offer here”.


“I like being able to assist people to create a safer environment for them at sea” .


“I really like my position as an instructor within NMCI Services due to the fact that everyday, even though I walk through the same door and enter the same office, it brings me new adventures. I get to meet and be influenced by new people, new traditions and new experiences. The other main reason I love working here is the people and the staff”.













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Competition Time….


All of us here at NMCI Services spent time brainstorming this morning to come up with a new tag line which would encompass what we do. Now that we have narrowed down the list to just four tag lines, we decided that we needed your help.


So, below we have put together a poll which will allow you to choose amongst 4 different tag lines which we have agreed upon. We would be extremely grateful if you could take just a moment out of your busy day to help us. Once you have voted please leave your email address in the comment box.

As a token of our appreciation we will then  be giving away a free NMCI Services hoodie to one lucky person. Who knows, maybe Friday the 13th could be your lucky day …….




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Behind the scenes at NMCI Services

Posted: February 10, 2015

Delegates complete their FOET training at NMCI


Some of our delegates who completed their FOET training at the NMCI today with our Instructor Joey.

For further course information and upcoming course dates check out our Offshore Courses.



Delegates complete their FOET training at NMCI






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Welcome to the future shipboard workplace

Posted: February 9, 2015


Welcome to the future shipboard workplace

“Intelligent” ship systems are fast becoming a reality, and Rolls-Royce has revealed its vision for the future – ‘smart’ workstations that:

1. Recognise you and adjust to your own preferences

2. They will have augmented reality bridge window displays of key information and hazards that would otherwise be invisible to the naked eye

3. And systems that monitor your performance to flag up fatigue risks and training needs

According to Rolls-Royce these clever computers will help to improve seafarers’ working conditions and cut human error.


The future is closer than we think

Rolls-Royce has unveiled their first “Unified Bridge” on board a new platform supply vessel and predicts that ‘Ship Intelligence’ will be the next major transition for the industry. Installed on board the 4,829gt Norwegian flagged PSV Stril Luna, it seeks to provide watch keepers with ‘a functional and easily used human/machine interface’. Rolls-Royce technical manager Ludvig, Kåre Øyen said that their ‘key aims in designing the Unified Bridge have been to offer the operator performance, simplicity and safety with proximity, with an improved view of the aft deck’.

Stril Luna’s master Captain Lars Aure said the Unified Bridge improves the working environment and should improve safety once ‘fine-tuning’ of elements such as screen heights for best sightlines has been completed. Controls are easy to use and logical to handle, and information presented on the screens is clear according to the vessels master captain.


So what is the Unified Bridge all about?

Referred to as the ‘bridge with a brain’ its layout involves two operator chairs on slides, one each side of a centre console. Outside each chair is an outer console, with joysticks and control handles positioned so that the operator can work comfortably from a standing to sitting position.

Necessary data is displayed on 26in touchscreens, while other systems are monitored and controlled from a series of smaller touchscreens located in the consoles. According to Rolls-Royce the setup is flexible so that different screens can be used for different systems and functions as the operators prefer. Because most functions are accessed via touchscreen the number of buttons on the consoles has been greatly reduced as a result.


Future Development

With human error blamed for 75% of shipping accidents and seafarer fatigue being a major risk factor, systems that monitor crew activities may well become more commonplace. Ship intelligence will be the enabler for machines to do some of the jobs done by humans today. Oskar Levander, Rolls-Royce VP for innovation, engineering and technology, said the system is a practical response to the increasingly complex equipment now being fitted to ships.

It’s Future Operator Experience Concept – ‘oX’ – not only offers the crew smart work stations, but also amplified reality bridge window displays of the vessel’s surroundings, including visualisation of potential hazards that would otherwise be invisible to the human eye. The system can pinpoint icebergs or tugs and other crafts that may not be visible to the crew, especially on large containerships.

Rolls-Royce future developments are closer than we think and with the Norwegian- flagged platform supply vessel Stril Luna been fitted with the first ergonomic Unified Bridge, it won’t be long until ‘oX’ concept isn’t too far behind.





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