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NMCI Services,
National Maritime College of Ireland,
Co. Cork,

Telephone: 021-4335609
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GTSS set sail for team success

Posted: February 16, 2011

“Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success.” Henry Ford

Bridge and SurvivalDRIU

Navigating around New York harbour, repairing a flooded ship and oaring through a stormy sea were just some of the challenges faced by the participants on our team building course at the NMCI.  This fantastic day brought together everyone involved in GTSS which includes GAC, NMCIS and Blue Communications.

GTSS is a partnership between the National Maritime College of Ireland; the worlds most advanced maritime training facility, and GAC, the global provider of marine, shipping and logistics solutions.  GTSS offers niche, innovative and high value training courses for maritime professionals, led by a team of highly respected industry-leading training providers.

At the NMCI we believe that team building activities are one of the key factors in the success of a company. The more time co-workers spend together, reflects directly to the success of a project.

Most companies are made up of several departments, all of which need to be able to work together for the good of the company, and this means that team development is an important issue.

The highly successful day included a navigational race around Governors Island in New York Harbour, in one of the College’s cutting-edge bridge simulators. A repair exercise set in a rapidly flooding chamber in the Damage Repair Instructional Unit (DRIU).  A range of drills in the College’s survival pool with all the environmental elements turned on, before rounding off the day with a relaxing sunset boat trip back to Cork City centre.

Here at the NMCI we provide Team Building courses to suit our clients from all areas of industry.  If you have a new team that needs gelling or just want a fun day out, why not drop us an email and see what we can do for your corporate team building day.

Bridge and Survival

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