Upcoming Courses
Below are a list of courses which will be running at the National Maritime College of Ireland in the coming weeks.We have limited availability on the following courses and we urge interested parties to book a place to avoid disappointment. All courses can be booked by clicking here. If you have any queries then please contact the Services Office via: services@nmci.ie / +353214335609.
BOSIET on the 7th of December
HUET EBS on the 17th of November
FOET course on the 19th of November
FOET course on the 10th of December
ECDIS on the 30th of November
Advanced Fire Fighting on the 14th of December
PST on the 16th of November
PST on the 2nd of December
FRB course on the 23rd of November
Medical First Aid course on the 30th of November
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