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Ideagen – Entrepreneurial Event, October 19th

Posted: October 14, 2015


The Entrepreneurial Edge – Linking Maritime Innovation to Your Needs


Entrepreneurs, like you, are leapfrogging competitors and disrupting established industries in adapting and innovating to solve customer’s problems. Sean McNulty, Dolmen, will demonstrate how to identify which ‘needs/ problems’ are worth solving, then how to develop the right solutions that markets will see value in and will pay for!


Our real life case studies will show you how this process works to inspire innovation. This Ideagen is for entrepreneurs and researchers to get a better understanding of how new commercial business opportunities and support services and possible activities can be developed around the Maritime sector.


The second part of the event involves teams proactively braining storming with a set process applied to enable these teams to generate and outline value propositions, to explore how to solve/exploit a range of opportunities and challenges and to present and share results.


This event will take place on board the L.E. Aisling in Cork City on Monday, 19th October 2015 at 9.00 am.

A briefing of the event on the day will take place upon embarking on the Bridge of the Ship.  This will be followed by a short case story from SEFtec Ltd (a world-class manufacturer of marine safety training simulators).  Participants will then descend below deck for a creativity session where teams will be brought through a structured “design and strategic thinking” process, culminating in presentations.  The event will conclude with a Q&A Session on “What Happens Next”, Financial Supports, Networks, and Outputs.


Ideagen is an ideal forum for:       

Entrepreneurs and businesses

  • Giving ideas for new products, business models and businesses, together with links into the relevant research network and an opportunity to meet potential business partners.


  • Who wish to test the commercial viability of their ideas.
  • With ideas, technology, or science who need a business partner to help them to commercialise it. 
  • Who are looking for ideas for new research projects with strong commercial potential and links into the business network.
  • Opportunities to meet potential businesses and research partners.


To register for the event and get further details please contact Jacqui Norton on 021-4800228 or or Martin Wall on 087-7835098 or

Posted In: Events Guide, News

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