“Wear Your Christmas Jumper to Work Day” in aid of the Nathan Kirwan Trust
On the 3rd of June 2013, as a result of a fall, Nathan Kirwan suffered a C4 spinal cord injury after he fell 30 feet from a tree just two weeks before he was due to graduate from the National Maritime College of Ireland as a Marine Engineer.
The Nathan Kirwan Trust was set up by his family and friends to raise money to aid his recovery. Now recovering in The Guttmann Institute in Barcelona, Nathan documents his progress through this blog Nathan’s Recovery Blog
On the 12th December Lend Lease FM at the NMCI organised a “Wear Your Christmas Jumper to Work Day” in aid of the Nathan Kirwan Trust. The day was a huge success and we were delighted to welcome Nathan’s brother, Darren, and sister, Aisling, to the college to join in with the festivities.
With the proceeds from refreshments bought in the canteen together with staff and student’s generous donations over €1,000 was raised for the Nathan Kirwan Trust.
Details of all upcoming events can be found on the Nathan Kirwan Trust Facebook page including details of the DIAMOND BALL which will be held on February 8th 2014 in the Rochestown Park Hotel, Cork. Tickets are €60 and available through Ticketmaster or by emailing diamondball2014@gmail.com
From all at the NMCI, we wish Nathan the very best with his recovery in 2014!
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