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NMCI Services,
National Maritime College of Ireland,
Co. Cork,

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Together with the International Organisation for Industrial Emergency Services Management @OfficialJOIFF, we invite you to attend a #JOIFF shared learning meeting, on September 5th at the #NMCI. For full details visit…


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Rás Tailteann- 8 day Cycle around Ireland

Posted: May 25, 2018

The Rás Tailteann is an annual, eight-day, stage race around Ireland covering over 1,100kms. The race is Ireland’s number one cycling event with participants, both professional and amateurs,  from all around the world.

SEFtec NMCI Offshore (SNO) have sponsored the “Gerry McVeigh Cars Doormotion” team, pictured here at the beginning of the week. Also pictured is SNO’s Ruth Murphy with Ciaran Murphy, taken after Stage 5, Glengarriff to Mitchelstown yesterday.


Today the team travels 155kms from Mitchelstown to Carlow for Stage 6. The race finishes on Sunday in Skerries, Co Dublin.

Best of luck to all the team!

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Port Cycle 2016

Posted: September 12, 2016

The An Post Rebel Tour took place on Saturday, September 10th in Glengarriff. GAC Training & Service Solutions supported the Port of Cork to raise funds for local charities during the 85km “Rebel Rider” cycle.

Conor Mowlds, Head of the National Maritime College of Ireland took part in the race and is pictured below with Brendan Keating, CEO of the Port of Cork and Capt. Paul O’Regan, Harbour Master, Port of Cork.

conor-1 conor-2 rebel-rider-map

The scenic route departed from Glengarriff, climbed the Caha Pass across the border into the Kingdom of Kerry. The spectacular mountain and sea views helped distract the 95 cyclists from some of the more challenging climbs throughout the day, which included the famous Healy Pass. The end of the cycle consisted of a 4km decent of beautiful West Cork.

Well done to all involved. Rumour has it that Conor Mowlds has already signed up for the 160km cycle next year…

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