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NMCI Services,
National Maritime College of Ireland,
Co. Cork,

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Together with the International Organisation for Industrial Emergency Services Management @OfficialJOIFF, we invite you to attend a #JOIFF shared learning meeting, on September 5th at the #NMCI. For full details visit…


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Offshore Training – Don’t lose sight of big picture

Posted: October 18, 2011

“Training too often seen as a ‘soft’ cost.’ The lastest article from Jeffrey Blum highlights the importance of training. Offshore training in particular is something we focus  on here at the NMCI.

“The struggling dry bulk sector suffers from a basic lack of professional expertise that can generate serious problems. The cause and solution are straightforward, argues Jeffrey Blum.

Perhaps the most striking difference between the dry bulk sector today and a decade ago is the increasing dominance of the market by large companies.

In itself, this is not a problem but the industry has been navigating tough times for a number of years and, as a result, training is often high on the list of immediate cost cutting opportunities. This is short sighted.

The size of a company does not necessarily dictate a level of professionalism, expertise or commitment to quality training within it. Because of their size and scale, too many believe they can rely upon internal expertise to train others – an approach that is more often than not ineffective.To avoid the mistakes of one generation being passed down to the next, these organisations need more thorough and standardised training than current internal processes provide. The sector is already struggling with self professed experts disseminating their ‘knowledge’ and, by doing so, simply extending their own operational ineffeciencies.

The proof of these problems lands on arbitrators’ desks every day. Of the disputes I come across, too many stem from a basic lack of knowledge and understanding.

Commonly these disputes are about demurrage calculations, but the subject of the dispute is secondary to its underlying cause: a lack of training in how to carry out these processes appropriately. read more…

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Maritime Open Day proves huge success at NMCI

Posted: November 6, 2010

We had our annual Maritime Open Day on the 3rd of November 2010 which is a great opportunity for prospective students to have a look at the wonderful maritime facilities we have on offer at the National Maritime College of Ireland (NMCI).

This year’s event was a massive success with over 400 students and parents from all over Ireland getting the chance to see our world class facilities. The students were literally blown away with our demonstration on sea survival in our 20m x 8m indoor pool. read more…

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